AdVocation: A DEI Collective

Spearheaded by Vanessa Johnson, head of the DE&I committee at broadhead., AdVocation: a DEI Collective is a cross-agency summit created to share stories of progress and growth yet to be achieved within diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. At these gatherings, peers within the Twin Cities’ advertising community discuss relevant topics and share learnings and experiences, with the goal of unifying DE&I efforts. The creative goal for AdVocation was to develop an identity that represents unity in a clear and engaging way, knowing that the creative is to be shared amongst the multitude of agencies that host the summit. The use of shape, color, and uniformity work to establish an inviting tone for the collective by emphasizing a cohesive system amongst all agencies working together for a greater goal.

Shared slideshow template

Social presence

With the photos taken by a photographer onsite, we were able to share out the images as a collective for all attending agencies to showcase on their social. We also created templates for social posts and copy to create a cohesive message across everyone’s social. This allowed us to work as a team to spread awareness of the initial summit. These assets are collaborative for future agencies to update based on who is hosting the next summit.

The Team

Vanessa Johnson, Founder + Head of DE&I at broadhead.

Alex Bausch, Senior Art Director

Catherine Retica, Senior Copywriter

Pa Vang, Photographer


Good Foods


Bushel Boy